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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where are things currently at?

Here’s a brief timeline: 

  • December 2022 - Chelsea released its new Master Plan including zoning of the Meredith Lot to Recreotouristic.

  • February 2023 - The CCUDD/PSDAC (Planning and Sustainable Development Advisory Committee) unanimously recommended the change of zoning of the Meredith Forest to Residential Consolidated.

  • March 2023 - Five out of seven Councillors voted in favour of requesting a zoning change for the Meredith Lot and sent the decision to the MRC.

  • April 2023 - Over 700 citizens signed a petition to protest the zoning change and we formed the Friends of the Meredith Forest.

  • April to September 2023 - We created an in-depth analysis of the Meredith Lot.

  • November 2023 - We distributed our report to the Municipal Council and to the MRC Prefet.

  • February 2024 – We launched a Friend of the Meredith Forest Website and Facebook Group ( to help provide Chelsea residents with information about this proposed zoning change so that residents can take informed action and contact their Councillor if they are concerned.

  • Over the last 8 months, multiple media outlets covered the story (see articles in Links tab).

We will update things as they unfold, but please send your email address via the Join/Contact page so we can reach out if urgent action is needed!

Q: What's are the next steps?


  • We are trying to inform as many Chelsea residents as possible about the potential zoning change before a decision has been reached by the Council.  We need everyone’s help by sharing this website with friends and neighbours and making posts on social media.

  • We are waiting for the MRC to make a decision about the zoning proposal and provide their decision to the Municipality.

  • The Municipality will then make a decision based on the MRC inputs (so contact your Councillor to let them know if you object to this zoning change

  • If zoning is not approved:

    1) The lot will remain Recretouristic and it could be developed into a recreational space. The Meredith Forest could see four or five recreational buildings erected in the forest. The likelihood of a water park or a ski hill is considered NIL by the Friends of the Meredith Forest. See our report on page 8 for possible construction in the Meredith Forest. Chelsea Zonage: pg 366, Zone REC-2


2) We could try to purchase it through a model used by ACRE and protect the forest in perpetuity.


  • If the decision to change the zoning is approved:

A Register/Registry will be set up by the Municipality at a central location for probably 1 day where residents will be invited to indicate their opposition to the proposed bylaw by signing the registry.  

Q: What is a Register/Registry?  And who could sign one to oppose this zoning change?

A: In Quebec municipalities, la LOI SUR LES ÉLECTIONS ET LES RÉFÉRENDUMS DANS LES MUNICIPALITÉS ( describes the procedures signing a registry which can trigger a referendum on a particular issue through a process known as a "register of public consultation".

If the zoning change is approved for the Meredith Lot, a Register would open at the Municipal Office for property owners of adjacent zones of the Meredith Lot to sign (properties within the blue boundary of the map). Historically it has been challenging to find out about the Register and sign in time as it is only posted in a few locations. Affected property owners will not receive direct notification and must seek out this information.

Zone de vote.jpg

Q: Why are we collecting personal data?

We are collecting email addresses and phone numbers via our Join/Contact the Friends tab to:

  • Give FMF factual information on the Meredith Lot to help you make an informed decision on whether or not you want to sign a Register objecting to this zoning change.

  • Reach out directly to property owners if a Register opens up so that they have the maximum amount of time to sign the document in person. 

Please share our website with Chelsea Residents! 

Q: How does a Register and referendum typically work in Quebec?

Overall, the process of triggering a referendum through signing a registry provides an avenue for citizens to directly influence important decisions affecting their municipality.

It serves as a mechanism for participatory democracy, ensuring that the voices of residents are heard and considered in matters of local governance.

These are the steps followed: 

  • Issue Identification: A municipality may propose a significant decision or project, such as a zoning change, a major development plan, or a by-law amendment. Before implementing such changes, the municipality must gauge public opinion.

  • Registry Creation: A registry is opened for residents to sign if they wish to express their opposition to the proposed decision or project. The registry typically includes details about the issue at hand, along with the specific changes being proposed.

  • Signature Collection: Citizens who oppose the proposed decision or project must physically sign the registry within a specified timeframe. The number of signatures required to trigger a referendum varies depending on the size and regulations of the municipality.

  • Validation and Verification: Once the signature collection period ends, municipal authorities validate and verify the signatures to ensure they meet the necessary requirements. If enough valid signatures are collected within the specified timeframe, the municipality must proceed to the next step.

  • Referendum Initiation: The municipality is then obligated to hold a referendum on the issue in question. During the referendum, eligible voters cast their ballots to determine whether the proposed decision or project should proceed.

  • Outcome Determination: The outcome of the referendum determines the fate of the proposed decision or project. If the majority of voters support it, the municipality can proceed with implementation. However, if the majority opposes it, the municipality must reconsider or modify its plans accordingly.

Q: Could a hotel be built in the Meredith Forest with the current zoning (REC) or RUR zoning?

According to Nicolas Falardeau, Chelsea Urbanist Director, “Hotels and campgrounds are types of accommodation authorized in a recreational tourism area by the MRC plan, but according to the municipality they constitute commercial uses that are not currently authorized in the REC-2 zone. In short, to authorize a hotel or a campsite on this lot, we would have to modify our zoning regulations, but the MRC would authorize it.” Many regulations would also be applicable for any future development in the Meredith Forest, namely the bylaws with respect to protecting rural areas, mature forests and the aquifer. Therefore, a hotel could not be built with the current REC zoning, and we do not believe it would be possible with a modified zoning to rural (RUR) or rural consolidated (RUR-C) zoning.

Q: What would be involved in purchasing the land for conservation?

Assuming the lot owner is willing to put the forest land in long-term land trust
conservation and that the forest meets the criteria for the conservation grants, the
Friends of the Meredith Forest would have to raise 50% of the agreed forest value or
provide the vendor with an economic valuation equivalent to selling the property for housing development. In partnership with Action Chelsea for the Respect of the Environment (ACRE), applications to provincial and national land trust conservation programs would be made to secure the other half of the amount.

Q: Why is it important to speak out and act now?

The success of this initiative is based on local popular support and interest to invest
financially for the conservation of this beautiful forest. A guarantee of massive support would reassure the property owner and the Municipality of the seriousness of the offer and facilitate future negotiations. Further, staffing for the conservation grants and raising the funds will require some time. The sooner we start, the more chances we have of succeeding.

Q: What is contaminated in the Meredith Lot and what could be built in the contaminated area?

A: The “Ministère de l’environnement now Ministère du Développement durable, de
l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques” (MDDLLCC)
conducted many inspections and initiated reports about infractions on this lot.

A car wreck company named Chelsea Auto Wreck (CHAR) operated on the lot from 1971
to 1990. Reports were made by MDDLLCC in Nov 1989, May 1990, Sep 1990, Jan 1991, Apr 1991, Jul 1991, Oct 1991, and Dec 1991.

Following the major tire fire in Sep 1990, Fondex Limited was mandated by Ms. Meredith to conduct a characterization study to assess the level of contamination by hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Fondex concluded that “The importance of soil contamination by oil and grease has been demonstrated on the site, and exceeds level C in two specific areas: to the north of the old building and to the northeast of the site.” The study was unable to measure the groundwater contamination.

After 1992, the site was used as a dumping ground by the Municipality of Chelsea for
residual materials (asphalt, cement and sawdust) and the north-east corner of the
quarry was filled. Reports were made by MDDLLCC in Sep 1998, May 2018, Jun 2018, Sep 2018, Jan 2019, Feb 2019, and May 2021. Following the notices of non-compliance, the materials were transported to authorized sites although documentation is lacking from the Municipality.

Overall, the lot is still considered contaminated by MDDLLCC, to a level exceeding acceptable limit for residential, recreational and institutional land uses, at
least where CHAR used to operate and to the north-east.

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